Let us hit a few exciting subjects in this one since I have neglected posting and there has some big milestones.
As everything happens to me, I was on my way to work and I got a phone call. I was running a bit late so I figured they would leave a message if it was important and I could give them a call back tonight or at my lunch break. The voice on the said,
"Hi Linsey, this is Jen from the Pipestone County Star and we heard about you and your business debuting at Watertower Festival. We would like to do a feature article on you [for the newspaper]…"
AHHHHHHHH! After I finished laughing I took a quick break to the back, called Jen, and scheduled a time the next day to meet with her. I went into the newspaper office and told my story for about an hour and came home. The paper didn't feature it until 3 weeks after the interview. In the meantime, I.was.pooping.my pants! I kept asking myself, 'Oh my gosh, did I sound like a snotty little girl?' ' Did I portray myself how I really wanted to?' 'Do they think I am just as awesome as I was when they called?', 'Is everyone going to understand what separates me from everyone else and other designers?' 'Did I turn my new last name into mud?', "Did I explain myself well enough she has no way messing up any information?!' The paper finally came out and the feedback from communities members were great! And the only thing she said that wasn't really spot on, Paul has a farm...makes us sound super successful in life and very awesome, but to clear it up...it is the family farm. Not big deal though ha!
If you missed the feature, here it is!
Pipestone County Star -- Designer Woman
Of course I had to tell my AcV2 family! Patri was more than ecstatic, I could only imagine her jumping up and down and popping candy corn in her mouth while standing behind her desk in deep thought like I had seen many times...what to tell her next? As always, she had wise words for me; she told me to be myself, let the town get to know what I am and what I am about, what spirits me from other designers....and that she wanted to feature me on their AcV2(sday) blog. Second feature, holla! So I typed up my story in a run on sentence, which you will notice a lot from me, and sent it off. Her eyes got sweaty and it came out awesome! Like I have said a zillion, bajillion times before, AcV2 has been some of my biggest supporters, motivators, and mentors. I couldn't be more thankful. The comments, likes, and text messages resulting from their feature were heart-warming, thanks everyone!
Here is their blog post.
Shoot for your dreams: A Conversation with Linsey Prunty
After AcV2 posting their blog The Historic Calumet Inn decided to 'share' it on their Facebook page and once again, love was busting at the seams again. So not only did it reach the AcV2 family from across the board, but now it has reached the community of Pipestone and those who visit Pipestone. Thanks for the support Calumet!
This time things aren't coming in threes! This last weekend was Watertower Festival, the day in waiting! Everything went great!! A lot of people came through just to say they saw the great article in the paper and was so happy someone like me was in the area. Some came in and purchased. Some came in and heard about me for the first time, but everyone had great things to say. All in all it went so great and the booth was full when others were empty so it made me feel like I was doing something right!
LC Design has been blowing up since the festival and the features. I am beyond moved my the outpouring love and support, I never thought it could be this good! I have many asking 'Well, do you have a store?!?!?!?!?' I wish I could say 'Yes! it is right down the street,' but for now it's me and my handsome husband widdling wood in the basement workshop. I hope that sooner rather than later I can open a shop, but I really don't want to settle for something; I want it to be good not just for me, but for all of you lovely patrons who are supporting me and what I pour my heart into. Right now you can follow me on our LC Design Facebook page. We will be posting items for sale and any upcoming shows or events we are involved in. If you have any suggestions on places you'd like to see LC Design or any leads on a nice place to home LC Design in Pipestone, please feel free to message me! A lot of people have been contacting us for customized orders and we are well on our way to fulfilling those and hope they keep coming in!
Thank you to every single one of you who is supporting LC Design. I cannot express how much it means to me. Wish I could hug you all.
Here are some pictures from the weekend that people were kind enough share. Enjoy! :)