Thursday, April 2, 2015

A Start to a (Hopefully) Long Journey

I guess we should start with the basics and some stories and some who, what, when, where, and obviously, why! 

So...let's begin. I am Linsey, as you hopefully have already gathered and you have/will be discovering. This whole blog thing seems super bigger than I am and in our busy lives I am not sure how people keep up with this, but as I goal I will do my best on updating and telling my story and life journey! 
I have had people tell me 'You should start a blog...,' and I have gotten numerous topics I should start one about such as my journey from 'city' girl with city girl dreams transitioning into farmers wife life, as well as my journey as a designer and the things I see and the opinions I have, which a lot of people know I have a lot of. This blog will probably become a little of both. 
On to my background and life story. 
In 2010 I sorta met my future husband; tall, pale skin, red hair, and handsome ;) We didn't start dating until 2011 after I had discovered that he was 'country' and I NEVER thought it would work out and neither did anyone else because of our complete different backgrounds haha, but life takes you for a wild ride and next thing you know we are engaged and in 2014, married! It has been so great and so interesting learning a new lifestyle, rather than moving to a big city or even a city at all, we moved into the town he went to school in and 'grew up' in, I say that because the farm he actually grew up on is miles away from a town. I have fallen head over heels for my farmer and the life we led together and how we complete each other. I have so many people telling me that they appreciate him and how we complement each other in every way, it's almost like a fairy tale that never ends <3. Anyway! We live in what would pretty much be the historical district of our rural town in an arts and crafts style home built in 1904, what a perfect fit for us! Why you ask? Well that would be because I am have a Bachelors in Interior Design and am obsessed with everything old, so clearly perfect fit. 
Since we have moved into this little town that has no architecture firm, no design studios, no kitchen design centers..nothing for at least an hour away related to my field I have had to put my design beside me. People ask why don't you drive the one hour in any direction to put it to use?! Well I live in Minnesota and winter blows (literally), but mostly because I want to be a person of my community and someone who stays in their town making a positive impact. I want to make sure that when we do have a family that I am not always an hour away from home, my family, my community. So you ask what do you do there than? Well I do have two part-time jobs, one at a home decor retail store and the other at one of my past passions, a dance studio. As a kid it was my first love; ballet, jazz, hip hop, lyrical, not so much the tappy tap but I appreciate it :)...loved it all and I was so very lucky to be blessed with it coming back into my life. The kids I teach are the best, I love them dearly and they literally become such a huge part of my life. Along with all that I do some of the marketing design for the studio and any designing anyone wants to pay me for, I am a wife to a very busy, hardworking farmer who does it all and has so many amazing qualities; one being supporting my dreams, a doggie mom to my puppy pal Case, who is actually 100 pounds and not a mean bone in his body, and a BIG dreamer. 
Get to the point already, I know! 
So I graduated in 2013 with my design degree; it is now 2015. I have met so many incredible people here, young and old(er), who have been such an inspiration and such a support system it makes my eyes sweat a bit. So many people want me to start a design/decorating business, which the decorating is almost insulting to me because my degree is much more than that, it is growing on me though a bit. Do not get me wrong, I love it and I appreciate the beauty and design aspects of it. (Fun story: when I was just a youngster, like 5, my aunts always put me through fabrics 101 at stores, I hatttted it and now it has become a big influence on my life.) 
Moving on.
In February after my husband and I got back from our honeymoon and life settled and I was thinking about my own future I participated in "Adopt a Room' for the Historic Calumet Inn, which some may know was on Gordon Ramsey's Hotel Hell television show. Well I adopted a room and redesigned it with a very small budget provided for me. It turned out AMAZING! I got so much love and feedback, even some people interested in what I did and want it for themselves. Moral booster for me and reminding me I still got it ;)  
Still, where is this going?! 
For the last probably 10ish years I have been completely fascinated by upcycling, before Pinterest was cool or even a thought in the back of anyones mind. My best friend's mom was a HUGE upcycler and lover of all things old; their house was like what heaven looked like in my eyes. She also has had a huge influence on me without her even knowing I have a feeling and I don't think I have ever thanked her creativeness and inspiration in my life, Thanks Mom #2 :) She now has two successful business in upcycling, redesigning, and everything in between (Blue Stem Studios, check her out!), she is one amazing woman in the business and nothing in my eyes even compares! <3 
So what does that have to do with anything?!
I think it is time for me to take that giant leap of faith in myself. I need to take my passions and explore them even more. People show so much interest in me and my talents that I think that it is okay to see what happens. My husband has been pushing me to do it and I feel like my dream is becoming his as well, he sees the spark in me and fire in what I want and just wants me to do it. I have unbelievable support from my boss at the dance studio, she has been so great in pushing me to follow my dreams as she is doing herself and leading me to resources. I think that we all are afraid of failure and what could happen, but we won't know if we don't just take that chance. Sooooooo here is the point and the newsflash. I am going to do it! I am going to try my hardest in starting my own business, following my dreams and sharing my passion in design and redesign. Right now I am going to do this at an rather small scale, see how it goes. I am planning at staying at my job, for now, as I am our typical student in debt and cannot just dump everything in and go about my life, if I could I would, but until that day that I am comfortable enough and can handle my own without any other income but my own business I will stay with my job because I love my customers and the people I get to deal with everyday. 
When, Where?
Right now I am in the process of getting my ducks in a row and when it is right I will set up my business Facebook page so everyone can like it, my Etsy page hopefully won't just be empty, and people will be loving what I have to offer! But like everything in the world, it takes time. I feel like my business courses in college taught me nothing and the last thing I want to do is screw up my tax ID information or have the feds after me for something I missed. So this is my announcement and life story and in within the next days? weeks? months? everything will be up and running, just wait and see! I am ready to see my passion turn into a career. 

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